The fat lady hasn’t yet finished her tune

Oh my. 

On the heels of the craptastic news of the morning, that the support for repeal of Obamacare has dropped to 50% (a sixteen-point swing in a week?), another Rasmussen poll today cuts the GOP generic ballot lead down to three points.  Ouch.  Allahpundit looks ready to Eeyore his way to “victory through disappointment” after other (D) feel good news today (fundraising yada yada).  But he links to Erick Erickson, my new hero, who points out … trends.  Go read it all to see why I’d kiss the man if I met him on the street today (on the cheek y’all, don’t be so dirty). 

The lesson: don’t believe a word you hear in the press about the “corks being popped a little too early” for the GOP’s chances in the midterms. The water-carrying-MSM will attempt to depress the vote any way possible and discouraging conservatives by reporting that the socialists   to win it all won’t work this time.  We’re not the ones who need bus rides if it’s raining and free cigarettes. 

Hell, I’d walk 500 miles to my polling station this go round.  Wouldn’t you?

Ah, an excuse to break into song:

Don’t get discouraged.

3 Responses

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SteveTaff, politicaljunkieMom. politicaljunkieMom said: The fat lady hasn't yet finished her tune: […]

  2. I would walk 500 miles, wow, what a great theme song. I was just thinking what it would take to keep me away from the polls on November 2nd. If the streets were booby-trapped with land mines I would still take my chances and head out to vote.

    • You and me both. I walked to the primary in 90 degree heat pushing a stroller. Can’t wait to do the same in November–with snow if I’m lucky!

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